Can You Get Seasick from Kayaking?

Can You Get Seasick from Kayaking?

We all know that feeling, the one that kicks in when you step foot on a boat. Nausea, the confusion, and the light-headedness—it can be enough to make anyone feel like they need a little break. However, when you’re kayaking, it can feel like your body is completely off balance and out of sync with its surroundings. If you’ve ever felt queasy when you were on a boating adventure, then seasickness while kayaking is something that you should consider.

Can you get seasick while kayaking? You bet you can. It’s not completely uncommon to feel the rocking and rolling sensation one feels when they’re out on the water. However, some tricks might help you get through the day without becoming overly discombobulated or causing any severe issues for your body.

Seasickness and Motion Sickness

Motion sickness and seasickness can sometimes be confused with one another, but they can both feel different to someone prone to getting motion sick while they’re out on the ocean. If you’re getting overly anxious about your trip and feel that the boat’s motion is not helping you, consider that it may be time to take a break. Try some of the natural remedies mentioned above to get your sea legs again.

How Seasickness Affects Someone with Motion Sickness

If you’re one to get a little seasick on occasion, you need to know how seasickness affects someone who frequently feels ill while sailing or kayaking. One of the first things to know about seasickness is that it can make you feel miserable while out on the water. If you get seasick even after taking some medication, you might be prone to motion sickness in general.

Motion sickness occurs when your inner ear (or vestibular apparatus) sends false signals to your brain about the motion it’s experiencing. In addition, your eyes might send conflicting messages into your brain, causing your stomach to get upset and feel queasy.

That is where seasickness gets tricky. You might think you’re experiencing motion sickness, but you’re just experiencing the same symptoms as seasickness. When your stomach becomes queasy, and your vision and inner ears are sending conflicting signals, it can be tough to tell what’s going on in the boat. The most obvious symptom is that you feel awful, like you may vomit or get diarrhea.

In many cases, this is what happens. You might end up feeling nauseous and lightheaded because you’re getting seasick. These symptoms are likely the result of motion sickness, but it’s extremely difficult to know for sure just by looking at someone’s face.

Seasickness occurs after taking motion sickness medications because your medication has helped block the effects of motion sickness, but Seasickness still exists as part of your background. Usually, you can tell if someone is seasick because it looks like they’re experiencing motion sickness rather than an actual physical stomach upset.

Seasickness Prevention for Kayakers

There are a few remedies that you can try before you go on a kayaking adventure to prevent getting seasick while kayaking. These are:

Eat a low-fat meal beforehand.

While this might not be as appealing as a delicious breakfast the morning of your trip, it may be able to help you feel better. Not only does eating something before you go on a kayaking adventure give your body fuel, but it can also help to soothe any nausea you might feel once your journey begins.

Drink ginger tea beforehand.

Ginger is often known to be a good remedy for nausea. If you’re feeling a bit off, try drinking some ginger tea before your kayaking trip begins. Ginger can help with the sickness and might even help with some of the motion sicknesses you experience while kayaking.

Chew gum beforehand.

Chewing gum can help your body get ready for what’s ahead by stimulating it in advance. Chewing gum can make you feel a lot less nauseous and might help to lower your chances of getting seasick.

Wear sunscreen.

While it might not sound like a very good idea to wear sunscreen for someone who’s about to be kayaking, it may work wonders for preventing the onset of seasickness. By applying some sunscreen before you go out on your fishing or kayaking trip, your skin will be happier when you start paddling around.

Go easy on the alcohol.

You might be wondering why you’d want to go easy on the alcohol before you kayak, as you’re probably going to want a few cocktails before your trip. However, look at it this way: drinking too much will only increase your chances of getting seasick while kayaking. By taking it easy on the alcohol, you’ll be doing more for your body’s health than if you drank too much.

Go early in the morning.

Some people find that they experience seasickness while kayaking more than others, and it might be because you didn’t go early enough in the morning or at night. If you can, try to plan your kayaking adventures between 6 AM and 8 AM so you won’t have any problems with getting seasickness while kayaking.

Wear a life vest.

Wearing a life vest when you go kayaking can help you feel safer in all the situations that come up while you’re out in the boat. If something happens, for example, you’ll be able to find your way back to the boat without having to navigate by yourself.

Get some daily exercise.

If you’re feeling slightly under the weather, you might want to consider getting some daily exercise to help you out. It will help your body stay fresh and healthy as it prepares for your trip and also avoid tennis elbow cause of too much paddling. Also, it’ll give your body a chance to adjust to the environment around you while on the water, lessening any chances of feeling seasick while kayaking.

Avoid bad weather.

Sometimes, bad weather can be a natural occurrence. Going out to kayak in the rain when you’re already nauseous can make you ill, so avoid the choppy seas when it’s raining if you’re already prone to seasickness.

Take a break from the water after an hour or so of paddling around.

If you’re already feeling sick, take a break from kayaking for a while. You don’t have to take a break from the water completely but taking a little break can help you get back on your feet again without getting even more seasick.

Take a sea band.

Sea bands are wristbands worn to help stop motion sickness in people prone to getting ill when they’re on the water. While they’re not the most comfortable things to wear, they’ll also help you feel better if you get seasick while kayaking.

Try laying down on the boat floor with your knees bent up to your chest.

This trick can help you ease your seasickness. While it might not be easy to do while kayaking, it can help make a big difference in the way you feel.

Take some medication before you go out.

If getting seasick is a part of your daily life, taking some medication before you go out to kayak may work wonders for feeling better while out there on the water. Ensure you check with your doctor and ensure that the medication is safe for consumption, but this can be a great choice if you’re feeling ill while kayaking.

Avoid salty foods.

You might be tempted to eat some salty foods before heading out on your fishing or camping trip, but they can make you sicker rather than better. Try to avoid eating or drinking anything that’s highly salty before you leave, as it may make a big difference in how well you feel while out in the boat.

Stay hydrated.

When you’re feeling ill, staying hydrated will help keep your body healthy and fight back against the seasickness you already have. It would be best if you were drinking plenty of water throughout the day to combat any symptoms that you already have. Try not to cut down on the amount of water you drink, as this can also make it harder for your body to fight off seasickness. Always prepare and bring your hydration pack when kayaking.

Take a walk in a small space.

If the boat you’re on is too small or otherwise impossible to leave, take some time to walk around in a smaller space, and try to do different movements that will help your mind feel better while you’re out there. For example, jog or jump while on the kayak instead of just drifting around aimlessly if you need a break from your seasickness symptoms.

Chew gum or suck on hard candy.

The worst seasickness pill you can take is the one that doesn’t work. If you want to eliminate the symptoms of seasickness from your life, chewing gum or sucking on hard candy can impact your body and help make a big difference in how you feel while out on the open waters. Remember that these are just suggestions, as they don’t offer any cure for seasickness.

Use motion sickness prevention devices.

If you don’t want to take pills or other medications for seasickness, consider using motion sickness prevention tools to help your body feel better when you’re out in the boat. Look into products like :

  • Pillows that you can use to block out light, reduce motion sickness, and help you sleep while on the boat.
  • Balls you can roll in your hands and squeeze to help ease seasickness symptoms.
  • Motion sickness bracelets that offer the same impact as chewing gum are much more convenient.

Another natural way to help yourself feel better is to keep a pet on your boat while sailing. You can train dogs for this purpose or relaxed in their crates and enjoy the ride.

Natural Seasickness Remedies – Are They Effective?

As you can see, there are plenty of seasickness remedies that you can try before heading out on a kayak trip. If you’re worried about seasickness, try some of these remedies before heading out on an extended trip. If you don’t see the difference, then perhaps you should try a different remedy or take something for seasickness. We can’t guarantee that one of these remedies will work for you as they may not be effective on every person who tries them. However, we can assure you that these remedies will help to ease nausea associated with seasickness.

Prevention is the Best Cure

For the most part, there’s no way to prevent seasickness, but it is possible to reduce your chance of getting it. Becoming familiar with the symptoms can help you avoid seasickness completely.

Suppose you’re the type of kayaker who experiences seasickness regularly while kayaking; it might be best to try to avoid the longer trips that induce nausea. However, if you have a trip planned and think you might get seasick, discuss your concerns with a doctor before going on the excursion or taking medication to fight seasickness. Taking the proper precautions beforehand will help ensure better health while out on the water and potentially avoid any serious issues that may come up during your day of kayaking.

The food you take is also a big factor in maintaining optimal health when going kayaking. It is recommended that you take a low-fat or no-fat diet before, during, and after your kayaking trip. You can usually accomplish this by choosing the food you wish to eat before going kayaking. You can also choose the food beforehand and make sure that it doesn’t have sugary drinks or sweets, making you feel sick while on a boat.

It can also be helpful to avoid situations that make you feel ill in the first place. For example, if you usually get seasick when you go boating, it may be a good idea to avoid boating in rough weather. However, if you’re planning to go fishing or camping on the water, bad weather may be unavoidable.