Are Push-Ups Good For Rock Climbing

Are Push-Ups Good For Rock Climbing

As a rock climbing gym, one of the most common questions we get is, “are push-ups good for rock climbing?” Push-ups are an excellent exercise, and no doubt they work your muscles in different ways than many other traditional exercises like running or swimming. So, this answer is a resounding YES!

Push-ups are among the best things you can do to improve your strength, power, and endurance. They also help train several stabilizing muscles essential when climbing on smaller holds, such as core muscles and shoulders. The best exercises for climbers are compound exercises that target many muscles at once, working on several planes of motion to improve endurance, strength, and flexibility. Push-ups work in all these ways.

When you perform a push-up correctly and use your feet as leverage points, you engage all of your upper body muscles. That is why we love push-ups so much as climbers. They are easy to learn, strengthen every muscle in the upper part of your body, and can help increase your endurance quite significantly if you do them frequently enough.

Rock climbers tend to have tight pectoral muscles and weak shoulders, which is common for people with desk jobs and who drive a lot. The best way to create balance is by doing push-ups, which will also help strengthen your arms and core. Push-ups are also good because they do not put nearly as much stress on your joints as a bench press or some other exercises that involve lifting weights or moving your body weight in a lifting motion.

Push-ups are an excellent warm-up exercise before any other activity, such as climbing and bouldering. If you’re new to climbing, do 10-15 push-ups before you climb. You can also do them every day after your climbing session or even as a workout every other day. By increasing arm and shoulder strength, climbers can strengthen one of their weakest points.

Other Rock Climbing Exercises

Apart from push-ups, here are some other exercises that are great for rock climbers:


It would help if you did squats correctly by following the rules of a perfect squat. Squats are among our favorite exercises, which help you build your overall lower body strength in a fun way. They are very functional and suitable for any age or gender.


Lunges can be made both on two feet and on one foot, with the latter also known as step-ups. Lunges are an excellent exercise for lower body muscle strength. When done correctly, they will also improve the flexibility of your hips and give you better flexibility and balance in training.


The pull-up is among our favorite rock climbing exercises as climbers. Young children and adults alike can participate, male or female. Additionally, Rock climbing pull-ups are great for building overall muscle strength in the arms and upper body.

Sled drags (Sleds)

Sleds, also known as drag training, are an excellent way to improve your grip strength and cardiovascular fitness while you’re rock climbing without putting any stress on your joints or ligaments. They are suitable for developing max-strength in your shoulder muscles as well as improving grip endurance.

Weight training

A good weight training program could go a long way to improving your rock climbing performance. Strength exercises will help you build lean muscle mass and strength, improve your performance, and climb more efficiently.


Yoga is an excellent way to stay healthy and fit as a climber. It’s one of the best ways to keep your mind clear when climbing in a state of fatigue or physical strain.

Core training

Building up core strength is an essential part of your climbing performance. Core workouts help you achieve improved flexibility, balance, and stability. It will also help you strengthen your upper body and prevent muscle strain.

Aerobic training

Like many other endurance sports, aerobic training is an essential part of a rock climber’s training. It’s not something you have to do for your sport alone, but it will help you improve your overall health and physical endurance.

Rock climbing is a popular pastime that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. Taking proper safety precautions will not adversely affect one’s health while rock climbing. Keeping active can help improve your overall physical fitness and make you feel better mentally. You’ll be healthier, more robust, and fitter, which will boost your confidence and improve your self-esteem.

What muscles need to be strong for climbing?

Rock climbing primarily uses the muscles of the arms and legs but also engages core muscles. The most important muscle for rock climbing is your grip. A firm grip helps you get a good hold on the rock. You must strengthen your hands with exercise to climb longer and harder routes or make it to the top.

How can I improve my grip strength?

You may be able to alter your grip strength based on your gym routine at home or work. Do exercises such as:

• Bands – use a heavy enough weight to make small changes to your performance.

• Weighted pull-ups and lat pulldowns– do 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps, or until you can no longer achieve the number of repetitions.

• Uneven rows– use an intentionally underweight bar or dumbbell. Do low reps (5-8) until failure; build-up to high reps by adding weight until failure.

• Dips– do 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps; add weight to increase difficulty.

What Are Other Muscles Essential for Climbing?

Your arms and legs are essential for climbing, but your core muscles are also crucial. The four muscles of the core will help you maintain good balance and prevent injuries. The four core muscles are the:

Lower back

A lower back muscle helps stabilize the spine, which is relevant when rock climbing. It is also among the most worked muscles during climbing.

Abdominal muscles

Your abdominal muscles are crucial to keep you stable while climbing.

Pelvic floor and hip flexors

Your pelvic floor and hip flexors are essential for good balance.

Glutes or buttocks

Your glute muscles, or buttocks, are an essential muscle group that helps you climb.


Push-ups are excellent exercise training for rock climbing, especially if you’re new to climbing. They are a compound exercise that will work for several muscle groups simultaneously. They also help build muscle strength and endurance in your back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps.

A good compound exercise like the push-up is not only good for rock climbing but can also help you with your general fitness. It will strengthen your core and keep your heart in better shape. As you climb, the muscles that support your arms and back are crucial. A strong core is essential to keep yourself stable.

You may notice that you start to get sore shoulders whenever you do a lot of climbing or hang on the ropes and harness for a long time. Climbing causes your muscles to work to the breaking point.

That is why an essential part of a rock climber’s fitness routine is training your shoulders and arms. Rock climbing strength will improve your climbing performance, but you also need good endurance. It will help you climb longer without getting tired.

That is where push-ups come in. They are an excellent way to build up strength and endurance in your shoulders, arms, and chest, as well as improve your overall fitness. Push-ups also strengthen your back muscles, which are essential for climbing.